I haven't written anything in a while. I just hadn't really been in a writing kind of mood for some reason.
Until recently.
The other day, I sat and watched the first episode of the sixth season of The Big Bang Theory, a sitcom on CBS, with my six week old daughter in my arms.
My daughter is six weeks old, and the changes I've seen in her already are too great to fully express here. You know what's changed in my life in the last six weeks? My daughter arrived and grew to be six weeks old. Outside of that...nothing really.
Even sadder, that sitcom is starting its sixth year on the air. You know what's changed in my life in the last six years? My daughter arrived and grew to be six weeks old. Outside of that...nothing really.
I went to the homecoming football game last Friday night to cheer on The San Angelo Central High Bobcats. I am a proud member of the Class of 2000. I graduated high school twelve years ago. You know what's changed in my life in the last twelve years?
Actually, that's where the pattern breaks. Since 2000, I have started and finished college. I have dated, proposed to, and married the most beautiful girl in the world. Oh, and my daughter arrived and grew to be six weeks old.
So why has it taken so long for me to achieve significant change in my life? I have not made even marginal progress toward any goal in my life. In fact, it is a very legitimate question to ask if I even have goals to work toward. I do have them. I now feel that I must more clearly define them and determine to go get them. Then, it's just drive man. Just drive. Go get it.
I used to have this image that I used as my profile pic on Facebook. It is a fraction type equation with a delta over a lower case t. It stands for change over time. My intention was for this to be a reminder to me as I worked toward my physical, financial, and musical goals that success would not be instantaneous. However, I actually took it to the wrong extreme. I have stopped working as hard as I should and started relying on time to change things for me.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is a 100% guaranteed way to avoid success or even mild progress for six weeks, six years, or longer.
You see, if you wait for time to change things for you, it most certainly will. It just won't be in the way you would prefer. The effect time usually has on anything is erosion, rot, decay. That's what has happened to me. For example, I rarely work on my guitar playing any more, and I have stopped eating right or exercising. Results? My guitar skill has slowly diminished and my health is not where it should be.
That all changes now. Change over time. As it was originally intended, this will be my goal. A goal to be worked toward actively, not waited on or hoped for. Presently, it will apply mostly to my health. I may not be able to complete a full P90X workout every day for 3 months. However, I can eat healthier and smaller meals. I can do some form of exercise daily. And I will.
Previously, I used Facebook as my accountability tracker. This blog will (only temporarily) serve that purpose now. I need to get healthier and stronger for my family. My wife and baby girl deserve the best of me.
Perhaps, guitar and other goals can follow later.
Game on!

Scripture: In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty. - Proverbs 14:23
Quote: "...all we had we've wasted. It's something like decay. You know it won't be long before we've spent all our lives complacent, and isn't that a shame? We've faded for so long." - Mark Tremonti
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad