First, a little background: I am a registered Republican. However, as I'm sure many of my friends and family would hate to admit, I tend to be quite a bit more moderate than conservative. (I've even been called liberal once by one family member.) In 4 presidential elections in which I've had the honor of voting, I have only voted in one Republican primary. I have never voted straight ticket for ANY party.
I have been concerned since he was a senator about President Obama's record. He is too far left for me. (His voting record in the Senate was more liberal than Ted Kennedy for crying out loud.) President George W. Bush was actually too far right for my taste. I loved John McCain.
I think we need leaders in or near the middle that can start unifying our nation. The biggest problem with our government has long been that great, good, bad, or horrible, your ideas as a government official are judged solely on one criterion: a letter after your name. If I'm an (R) and you're a (D), we can't talk. That is a fatal flaw. (This is no longer the biggest problem. The crippling, unrestrained spending of money that our nation DOES NOT HAVE, and the rapidly growing disincentive for people to work or improve themselves economically are the new gorillas in the room.)
That being said, given the choice between too left or too right, I will always pick too right. I voted for Mitt Romney this time. (Truthfully, I voted as much for Paul Ryan as I did for Romney.)
I was outvoted. (Though not by much. As I type, CNN is reporting that out of nearly 100 million votes counted, there are 335 votes separating President Obama and Mitt Romney. Stunning numbers that show just how divided our nation is, and how desperately we need a unifying force and a moderate and/or bipartisan leadership.)
So what does all of this mean for me?
It means Barack Obama is still President of the United States.
Barack Obama is my president.
Though I may disagree with who and what he represents, I will pray for President Obama. I will pray for America. And most assuredly, I will pray that President Obama, the Democratic Senate, and the Republican House can somehow learn to work together for the good of the United States of America and not the individual voters who they hope and pray might vote for them later.
Throughout this post, I have been very careful to refer to him as President Obama. I have been guilty in the past of referring to the president as Clinton, Bush, George W., Dubya, and Obama. I hope to break that habit, and raise my baby girl differently. Like it or not, he (whoever "he" is at the current moment) is the president.
He is President Obama.
God bless President Obama.
Most importantly, God bless the United States of America.

Scripture: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. - Romans 13:1-2
Quote: We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein
Bonus quote: Deal with the world the way it is, not the way you wish it was. - John Chambers
Bonus quote: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Bonus quote: We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. - Max Dupree
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