I know. I know! A blog entry entitled "Life's Not Fair" is probably some dude crying about how the world has done him wrong. Well, it's not-not this time. Check it out.
I have become a huge duck fan. I love ducks! I'm talking Daffy & Donald, Oregon Ducks, and even "duck" tape. Being a Dallas Stars fan however, I still refuse to cheer for the Anaheim Ducks. Duckies Rule!!! (Wow, I cant't believe it took this long to get to a Boy Meets World reference.)
So, what's so great about ducks? Well, here's the story. Three guys die and go to heaven. At the gate, St. Peter welcomes them warmly and gives them only one rule to follow. "Don't step on a duck! Ever!!" Seems easy enough. The gates open, and there are thousands of ducks covering every inch of the landscape. Guy #1 doesn't make it a day before stepping on one. The duck starts squawking and quacking. This sets all the other ducks off. The noise lasts for days before dying down. Peter shows up and tells the guy that "As punishment, you must spend eternity with her." He points to a hideously ugly and disfigured woman. Guy #1 is bummed.
Guy #2 lasts a week, but he too steps on a duck eventually. Same scenario unfolds: quacking, days of noise, punishment, eternity with a troll. Guy #2 is also bummed.
Guy #3 is very careful. He makes it a whole month in heaven (I know. Just pretend there is a time frame in heaven alright!) without stepping on any ducks. One day, Peter shows up with the most gorgeous woman and tells him they will spend eternity together. Guy #3 is not bummed.
After a few days of peace and bliss, he wonders aloud "I wonder how we ended up together forever." The girl replies. "I don't know. I was just walking along, and I stepped on this stupid duck."
Now, I told you that story to tell you this story. Life is not fair, and here is why. I got Mandy. You can check out her website at memoriesbymandy.net to see her photography. She's the most beautiful, talented,
loving, kind, and compassionate girl in the world. And, believe it or not, she also happens to be married to me. How can someone so perfect have ended up with me forever? There can be only one explanation for this. She must have stepped on a duck.
However it happened, she means the world to me. She's the only one in the world for me. I am so grateful for her. She's made my life complete. My life is complete and yours is not fair because you didn't get to marry her and I did.
So, babe, I have been truly blessed to have you in my life. No matter what or who comes up in the future, I'll always be here for you. You know that, and now, so do the two or three people who actually read my blog.
Speaking of those two or three people - I have been out of it for a while, but there there will be more humor, commentary, advice, and sports in future entries. Being new to this, I still maintain delusions of writing blogs that are read by thousands of people. If that happens one day, they-like you-will know why life is not fair.
I'll say it again...

Scripture: An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. - Proverbs 31:10-11
Quote: "There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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